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HomeFellowshipsUniversity of Michigan IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2021

University of Michigan IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2021

Application Deadline: February 15, 2021.

The overall goal of the University of Michigan IRACDA program “Preparing Future Professors of Engineering and Physiology” is to prepare a new generation of scientist-educators with the skills and experience required to be effective and successful faculty members. At the same time, through interactions with partner institutions, Henry Ford College and Wayne County Community College District, we hope to inspire a cohort of undergraduate students to pursue science and engineering careers that are vital to both the local and national economies.

The postdoctoral fellows, who specialize in the fields of physiology and biomedical engineering, hone their teaching skills with the help of partner-college faculty mentors over the course of four years. By planning and teaching a course with their teaching mentors, the postdocs gain the necessary preparation to teach and mentor students when they obtain their first faculty jobs.

Meanwhile, the partner-college students receive team-based teaching from the U-M postdoc and the partner college’s faculty member in their science and engineering classes. These interactions provides students the chance to learn about scientific careers directly from a working research scientist, and to apply for summer research experiences working with the postdoctoral fellows at U-M.


  • US Citizen or Permanent resident 
  • Graduate or near graduate of Ph.D. program in Science, Technology. Engineering, or Medicine.
  • Interesting in pursuing a career path in Academia.

Outreach activities:

  • Annual Symposium for Partner Institutions:  Annual symposia for students and teaching partners are held to provide information about and create interest in higher education opportunities at the University of Michigan.  Through these symposia, students learn about the various options for STEM degrees at the University of Michigan, and importantly, the necessary steps for transitioning from their current institutions to those career paths.
  • Mentoring of summer research undergrads:  To maximize the impact on our partner institutions, students from HFC and WCCCD are supported for a 12-week research internship at the University of Michigan. Students are placed in the labs of our IRACDA research mentors, and when possible, work directly with our IRACDA fellows. Each fellowship includes a stipend as well as room and board for the full 12 weeks. This program provides the opportunity for first- and second-year students to get hands-on experience in a research lab.

How to Apply:

Applications for new IRACDA fellows in 2021 will open on December and will be accepted until February 15, 2021.

To complete the application, candidate should have:

  • CV or NIH-style biosketch – Please include the ‘personal statement’ section of the biosketch. In the publications section, please divide into original research papers, reviews, and submitted manuscripts.  A sample from the NIH is available here.
  • 1-2 page Personal Statement –  (single space, 11 Arial font, 0.5 inch margins)  This should include your motivation for applying to the Michigan IRACDA program, details of your research and teaching experience, proposed research, and future career plans after your postdoctoral training.
  • Two confidential letters of recommendation.  You will only need the names and contact information and letter requests will automatically be sent out by email.  One of these letters should be from your thesis advisor.
  • Names of 3-5 potential IRACDA mentors.  Most mentors in any of the STEM disciplines should be eligible.  You do not need to contact these mentors in advance, but we will make these connections if you are selected for an interview.

If you have questions regarding the application process, please contact Heather MacFarland.  You may also contact the program directors, David Sept or Susan Brooks,.

Official Website: University of Michigan IRACDA Program 2021



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