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HomeInternshipsMax Planck Summer Internship Program - MaxSIP 2021 for undergraduate students.

Max Planck Summer Internship Program – MaxSIP 2021 for undergraduate students.

Deadline of application:
February 15th, 2021 (24:00 CET)

Deadline for registrations:
February 12th, 2021 (24:00 CET)

Max Planck Summer Internship Program provides the opportunity for highly motivated undergraduate students to join one of the labs at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology and the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry. The program will allow you to become familiar with different scientific approaches and laboratory methods. The aim of our internship program is to provide excellent students with a broad range of research experiences and knowledge to promote them early on in their career.

This is a fully funded internship program. Successful applicants will benefit from the following:

  • Free student accommodation
  • Stipend of approximately 800 Euro per month
  • Reimbursement of travel costs to and from Martinsried, near Munich

The internship is a full-time immersion for up to ten weeks. It takes place between mid-June to end-September. Within this framework, the starting date and duration of the internship
is determined by mutual agreement between the host lab and the student.

Eligibility Requirements:

Highly motivated students in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math, Neuroscience, Physics, Psychology, and related fields can apply.
The program intends to promote students early on in their career. We welcome applications of bachelor, master, or post-master students that have already gained some research experience during their studies. Please note that the program is highly competitive.
Max Planck invites applications from excellent students with top grades from all countries.

Application Information:

The application platform is open between January 1st and February 15th, 2021 (24:00 CET).
Registration closes on February 12th. After your registration, you will be able to log in and to upload your application files at the application platform.

The following documents are required for your application:

  • Curriculum Vitae (PDF file, max. 1-2 pages)
  • Transcript (record of study) and degree certificate for all completed degrees (if applicable)
  • Temporary/provisional transcripts for degree programs, you are currently enrolled in
  • Document qualifying for university studies (typically high school degree, Abitur, Matura or equivalent)
  • Letter of recommendation of one referee (see information below)
  • Letter of motivation (will be typed into the application form directly, no upload)
  • If an applicant’s academic training was not in English or German, a language certificate (such as IELTS or TOEFL) is highly recommended.

All information need to be submitted in English or German. Please provide a respective translation if original transcripts are in a different language.

Upon submitting your complete application, you will receive an automatic confirmation email.

Letter of recommendation
Applicants need to name and invite one referee through the online application platform. We recommend that you personally contact your referee before triggering the email invitation. Please keep in mind that applications lacking the letter of reference after the deadline for submission are incomplete and cannot be processed any further. Please ensure that the referee submits the letter of recommendation before the deadline.

You will receive an automatic confirmation email, once your referee has submitted the letter of recommendation.

Selection Process:

The program committee will evaluate and select students based on their grades, research experience, CV, letter of motivation and letter of reference. The committee aims to announce their decisions to the applicants by the end of March 2021.

The number of internships is limited. Host labs will interview pre-selected students interested in working in their labs via Skype, Zoom or other means.

Questions? Please contact

Official Website: Max Planck Summer Internship Program – MaxSIP



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