Cities are on the frontline for promoting diversity, inclusiveness, social cohesion, and sustainable development and the coronavirus pandemic has even deepened some of the existing social challenges. Thus within its Intercultural Cities and Learning Programme, the Anna Lindh Foundation launches:
· the EuroMed Capital for Dialogue Award – Call for Candidatures (click here to apply)
If you represent a Local Authority, you can find out more and apply to the EuroMed Capital for Dialogue Award by clicking here. The last day to apply is on 10 September 2021 at 16:00 Egyptian time.
Please also find the legal entity form here and a copy of the application form here.
In the framework of the programme and to encourage a systemic approach for dialogue at the local level, to give visibility to good practices and exchange knowledge across the EuroMed region, between July and October, the ALF will also organise a series of Local Dialogue Platforms bringing together local authority representatives, civil society, educators and academics. Find out more by clicking here. If you are interested in participating, please do not hesitate to express your interest to Thomas Lund, Cultural Management Expert (Thomas.Lund@Bibalex.org), cc Eleonora Insalaco, Head of Operations and Intercultural Research (Eleonora.Insalaco@annalindhfoundation.org).