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HomeFellowshipsYA-YA Network Empower Fellowship Application

YA-YA Network Empower Fellowship Application

Application Deadline: September 6th 2021

About the Fellowship

The Youth Activist – Youth Allies (YA-YA) Network provides training and leadership experience to the next generation of activists in the movement for social and economic justice. YA-YA is a youth-driven, citywide, anti-racist, anti-sexist organization and allies with the LGBTQ+ community. We provide free (and often with stipend) core training to young activists.

Interested in becoming the leader you’ve always wanted to be? Apply to Empower.

The EMPOWER Fellowship program at YA-YA is rooted in the foundation of social justice advocacy; that we, ourselves, must take an active role in our own growth.

Empower focuses on identity development, self-esteem, confidence building, and leadership training. Throughout the Spring, Empower fellows will complete an intensive program that focuses on the following:
(I) Self Awareness & Identity Development
(II) Social Justice & Unlearning
(III) Action & Allyship
(IV) Action Project. During the Action Project stage, young folks will get the opportunity to engage in an advocacy project of their choice.

– must be between the ages of 15- 19, YA-YA’s constituency.

This Empower Fellowship is for those who are interested in beginning their journeys of unlearning internalized messages about themselves and their communities, and it is for those interested in expanding their knowledge, understanding, and advocacy of groups outside their communities and identities. It is for those interested in breaking down their barriers and becoming leaders. Those that join the Empower Fellowship are open-minded, critical and self-reflective, curious, community-orientated and interested in social justice, excited to use what they learn about themselves and about others to begin organizing, and willing to push themselves into what we call their “learning zones”, even if it means becoming uncomfortable and engaging with concepts you have never engaged with before. Ultimately, having a background in social justice and organizing is not the most important thing, your willingness to learn and advocate for others is.

* Application is due September 6th (limited spots available)
* Group Interviews will follow: September 15th from 5:00- 7:00, and September 16th and 17th from 4:30- 6:30
* The program runs every Wednesday from 5:00-7:00 from September 22nd until the end of March 9th

Official Website: YA-YA Network Empower Fellowship Application



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