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HomeCall for ApplicationsRenewable Energy in India: Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Challenges

Renewable Energy in India: Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Challenges

Application Deadline: 12 September 2021, 11:59 PM, IST

Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is offering grants to boost reporting on renewable energy in India. Although we have a particular focus on Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, applications about renewable energy in all states and union territories will be welcome from journalists all over India.

Even as India was engulfed in the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, renewable energy continued to make strides. The country is expected to boast a cumulative installed wind capacity of 62.9 GW by 2025, and cumulative solar installations in India have reached 41 GW. A recent study by BloombergNEF revealed that India can already enjoy solar power generation that is cheaper than coal-based electricity.  

However, despite this progress, there are significant obstacles in the way of reaching the country’s RE goals, many of which stem from the rapidly changing policy environment in which India’s RE industry operates.

Issues with project financing, payment and electricity distribution have added to the worries faced by proponents of RE at a time when wind and solar power development, in particular, are showing promise.

For this grant round, we are looking to support 10 in-depth stories that explore entrepreneurship by RE developers and innovative RE applications apart from an addition to the energy grid. We are also looking for stories that explore policy, financing, payment and infrastructure hurdles and include efforts to overcome them.

The grants will support the production of in-depth stories on the prospects, problems and pathways forward for renewable energy, with the aim of improving the quality of information on the subject and raising awareness among policymakers, project developers, entrepreneurs, investors and consumers.


Applications are open to India-based journalists (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners with a demonstrated interest in reporting on the RE sector, or other topics related to energy and the environment. We shall give preference to journalists who regularly cover economy, business and energy beats. To ensure equal opportunities and diversity of voices, we especially encourage applications from women, young journalists and journalists from Indigenous communities.

We are seeking applications from freelancers and staff from all types of media outlets – international, national, local and community-based. Those who are awarded grants should publish or broadcast their stories in their affiliated media as long as EJN and its partner outlets are also given rights to edit, publish, broadcast and distribute the grantees’ stories freely afterwards. Freelancers should demonstrate a plan for publication or broadcast and are encouraged to provide a letter of interest from an editor.


EJN expects to award 10 grants averaging Rs 90,000 each, depending on the proposal and method of coverage, with some flexibility for in-depth and data-driven stories using innovative and investigative approaches that may be more costly to produce.

Application Procedure

  1. Applications should provide a detailed budget with justification for the amount requested. Download the budget template here. We expect that proposals will largely rely on the use of equipment the applicant already has access to (including cameras, drones, lighting, tripods, etc.) and will not consider budgets that heavily focus on procuring new supplies. We will consider some costs for the reporters’ salary, particularly if the applicant is a freelancer, but this should be a small portion of the total budget. Please include the cost for translation, if necessary. Please also note on your budget form if you are receiving funding from any other donors for the story. 
  2. You must submit two samples of stories or links to relevant work. You’ll be asked to upload these as part of the application process.

Official Website: Renewable Energy in India: Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Challenges



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