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HomeFellowshipsVHIO–Severo Ochoa Doctoral Fellowships

VHIO–Severo Ochoa Doctoral Fellowships

Application Deadline: October 25, 2021

One of the strategic aims of VHIO is to provide future generations of healthcare professionals and researchers with high-level training in personalized and targeted cancer therapies at all stages of their careers. With this goal in mind, VHIO is offering for 2022:

• Five four-year VHIO–Severo Ochoa doctoral fellowships within the “Contratos Predoctorales para la Formación de Doctores (FPI)” 2021 call, part of the Severo Ochoa accreditation funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN).

• One four-year doctoral fellowship within the “Contratos Predoctorales para la Formación de Doctores (FPI)” 2021 call, part of the project “Targeting synthetic lethality in Chromatin Regulatory Genes for gastrointestinal cancer treatment”, led by Dr. Jose Seoane and funded by the MICINN.

These fellowships will be offered to outstanding young researchers from the national and international community to allow them to undertake their doctoral thesis research in one of the best translational, preclinical and clinical research centres in Europe as members of one of Spain´s most dynamic cancer research programs.

VHIO has a unique staff of international researchers who are devoted to delivering on the promise of providing precision medicine in oncology and turning discoveries in cancer research into more effective treatments and better practices to care for our patients. The scientific activity at VHIO is structured around research teams, each one headed by a principal investigator (PI), and leading a different research line in oncology. Altogether, they cover a diversity of areas, from preclinical translational and clinical research, but they share the same trust regarding translational research.


VHIO is looking to recruit prospective researchers of talent and of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake doctoral studies in cancer research following the recruitment principles of the VHIO Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

To be eligible for a VHIO doctoral fellowship, call 2021, applicants must be in possession of the following:

• A master’s or equivalent degree in a field of science related to VHIO research activities that allows the candidate to enroll on a university doctoral program by June 2022. Predoctoral researchers at VHIO usually enroll in the university of their choice to obtain the doctoral degree, as VHIO is not a university and therefore cannot award such degrees.

Local universities include: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaUniversitat de BarcelonaUniversitat Politècnica de CatalunyaUniversitat Pompeu Fabra.

For more information about admission requirements, please see the websites of the abovementioned universities.

• An excellent academic record and a strong commitment to scientific research.

• A high level of English proficiency.

The following will not be eligible to apply:

• Students who have begun their doctoral studies with funding from grants for doctoral training based on the development of a doctoral thesis that have been awarded within the framework of the Spanish State Plan for Research, Development and Technological Innovation or any of the previous National Plans.

• Those already in possession of a doctoral degree from a Spanish or foreign university.

• Those who entered into a predoctoral contract for a period of more than twelve months prior to the submission of the application.


The VHIO doctoral fellowships follow the conditions associated with the “Contratos Predoctorales para la Formación de Doctores (FPI)” 2021, call which can be found on the FPI MICINN call

All researchers will be hired under an employment contract that includes Social Security coverage.

All fellows will have access to an exceptional scientific environment, including outstanding equipment and facilities, together with a wide range of training and career development opportunities. Fellows will be supervised by group leaders performing high-quality cancer research and with a solid track record in supervising predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers.

Application Procedure

Applications are submitted through a two-step process involving two different online application forms. To be eligible for the fellowships, applicants must complete and submit both applications:

STEP 1: applicants must submit the following information via the VHIO online application form

1. Motivation letter (maximum one page), clearly indicating the research group of choice and highlighting the applicant’s research experience and academic achievements.

2. Two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists who are familiar with the applicant’s academic work and who can judge their potential as a predoctoral researcher.

3. Certified academic records showing the grades attained in exam periods with the dates corresponding to the degrees completed (BSc and MSc). Academic records not written in Spanish or English should be accompanied by an official translation into one of these two languages.

4. CV in English or Spanish.

5. For academic degrees from a non-Spanish university, applicants should explain the scoring system (minimum and maximum grade), indicating the threshold for passing.

6. Proof of submission to the MICINN online system (STEP 2) must also be provided.

STEP 2: applicants must submit the following information in the MICINN online application system. [“The link is not yet available. Please stay informed and check this page daily to find out when the link has been activated. Please note that documents can only be submitted via the MICINN online system for a short time (about two weeks). Applicants that have signed up to the VHIO online application (STEP 1) will be informed by email when the link has been made available”]

1. Copy of the passport, in the case of non-Spanish nationals not residing in Spain.

2. CV in English or Spanish (the MICINN recommends using a specific template, please contact the VHIO Academy helpdesk if assistance is needed).

3. Certified academic records showing the grades attained in exam periods with the corresponding dates. Those academic records not written in Spanish or English will need to be accompanied by an official translation into one of these two languages.

4. For academic degrees from a non-Spanish university, applicants should explain the scoring system (minimum and maximum grade), indicating the threshold for passing

5. NB: Applicants should submit their application for any of the 5 VHIO areas shown in the application form.

Official Website: VHIO–Severo Ochoa doctoral Fellowships



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