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HomeGrantsSwale Borough Council seeking Applications for Clean Growth Grants

Swale Borough Council seeking Applications for Clean Growth Grants

Application Deadline: 15th December 2021

The Clean Growth Grants scheme has been established to support small and medium sized businesses to cut costs and support growth by reducing their Carbon footprint as they recover from the impacts of COVID-19.

The measures which the grant might support are oriented towards environmental sustainability, and for example include (but are not limited to):

  • adaptations and improvements to commercial premises that reduce energy consumption,
  • energy efficiency,
  • renewable energy generation,
  • investment that encourages walking, cycling or the use of electric vehicles,
  • investment in biodiversity and nature-based solutions,
  • climate change adaptation.


This Grant scheme is open to all small and medium sized businesses based in Swale that meet the following criteria:
o Business (or sole trader) located in within the Swale Borough Council area.
 Note: Pre-start businesses are not eligible for support.
o Business is registered in the UK (or sole trader operates in the UK).
o Business is not a subsidiary of a larger business.
o The project will either take place at a non-domestic or commercial premises/site, or if the project takes place at a residential location, the items purchased will only be used for a commercial purpose.
o If applicant is a registered business, it should be an SME (Small or Medium-sized Enterprise) and meets two of the following criteria:
 A turnover of less than £25 million
 Fewer than 250 employees
 Gross assets of less than £12.5 million
o The proposed project should be financially sustainable and lead to business growth and development that is environmentally sustainable (i.e. it supports UK Net Zero 2050 policy).
• Applicants will need to demonstrate that they are actively trading. Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made, are not eligible for funding under this scheme.
• Grants will not be awarded for any element of a project that benefits a property which is not wholly for non-domestic or commercial use, or projects items which are not used for wholly commercial purposes.
• Grants for the acquisition of road-going vehicles are ineligible. However, support for non-road going vehicles will be considered providing they contribute towards a net reduction in energy use.
• Projects must clearly demonstrate the contribution they make towards reducing the Carbon footprint and/or enhancing the environmental sustainability of the applicant business and lead to markedly increased energy efficiency of operations.
• The investment for which funding is sought should be made within the area covered by Swale Borough Council. It is acknowledged that mobile assets may spend time out of Borough, but they should normally be based within Swale and the impact of the Council’s investment should mainly take place within this area.
• Applicants should not be engaged in a restricted sector according to UK state aid rules.
• Projects that have already commenced, and/or where products and services have already been secured, are ineligible. Applicants are required to wait for confirmation of support before proceeding.


Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 will be awarded to eligible businesses/projects. The
the programme will normally only fund up to 80% of the cost of qualifying projects and your business will need to provide match funding to cover the remaining balance. You should aim to have secured match funding by the time that you submit your application. Sources regarded as ineligible match funding include: Costs already incurred; Loans or overdraft facilities that have been committed to cover previous expenditure and potential future profits; Funding from any other public source. 100% grants will only be considered for not-for-profit organisations and registered charities working within communities in Swale.

Application Procedure

  • If an applicant intends to carry out works to buildings, or the external appearance of buildings, then planning and other permissions may be required. If required, these should be in place (or in the process of being obtained) in order to be eligible for a grant. Note there are additional requirements for Listed Buildings and buildings exist within Conservation Areas.
  • Where an applicant requires planning, building regulations or other approvals to deliver their proposal, but has not yet secured it, any award from this scheme will be ‘subject to securing the necessary permissions’. In short, failure to demonstrate that the necessary permissions have been secured within an agreed timescale (set out in the grant agreement) will mean any grant offer may be withdrawn and any grant paid be potentially repayable to Swale Borough Council.

Official Website: Swale Borough Council seeking Applications for Clean Growth Grants



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