Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeCall for ApplicationsThe France-Malaysia collaboration programme for joint research 2024 (MyTIGER)

The France-Malaysia collaboration programme for joint research 2024 (MyTIGER)

Application Deadline: 4 March 2024

The France-Malaysia collaboration programme for joint research 2024 (MyTIGER) is a joint funding programme which aims at structuring and stimulating research cooperation between France and Malaysia.

MyTIGER is an initiative by the Embassy of France to Malaysia in order to continue supporting bilateral cooperation in research after the successful implementation of PHC-Hibiscus (2019 and 2020) and MATCH (2021), in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). MyTIGER is based on a call for projects, an independent evaluation and selection process and a co-funding mechanism between Malaysia and France. The call is open to all areas, including social sciences and humanities; through its first two editions, no less than 20 projects have been financially supported.


  • 22 Jan 2024 – Launch of the call
  • 4 Mar 2024 – Deadline for submission of proposals
  • 19 Jun 2024 – Funding decisions confirmed and announced
  • 20 Jun – 25 Sept 2024 – Grant agreements are signed and the projects start

Application procedure:

Applications must include all the requested documents (cf. downloadable application form).

They must be submitted by the PI in France as a unique PDF file (< 5Mo) to the e-mail address :; with as well as the Project Manager for Malaysia copied (cc).

More Info: France-Malaysia collaboration programme



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