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HomeFellowshipsThe Chauncey Bailey Journalist of Color Investigative Reporting Fellowship 2024

The Chauncey Bailey Journalist of Color Investigative Reporting Fellowship 2024

Application Deadline: September 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. CT

Applications are now open for the 2024 Chauncey Bailey Journalist of Color Investigative Reporting Fellowship. The yearlong program is intended to prepare and support a journalist of color for a solid career in investigative reporting. The program also provides an opportunity for the fellow’s news outlets to benefit from the fellow’s investigative skill-building. An underlying goal of the program is to increase the range of backgrounds, experiences and interests within the field of investigative journalism, where diverse perspectives are critically important.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. journalists of color who want to improve their investigative skills.
  • Applicants should have at least three years of post-college work experience.
  • Applicants should be currently working with a supportive news organization or working as an independent journalist.
  • Applicants who can propose a well-developed project which would benefit from the training and mentoring the fellow would receive.
  • Students are not eligible.


  • One-year IRE membership/renewal ($70 value)
  • Complimentary bootcamp registration (up to $1,100 value)
  • Bootcamp travel stipend ($1,000)
  • Complimentary NICAR conference registration ($300 value)
  • Complimentary NICAR conference hotel nights (up to 4 nights) ($1,240 value)
  • NICAR conference travel stipend ($500)
  • Complimentary IRE conference registration ($325 value)
  • Complimentary IRE conference hotel nights (up to 4 nights) ($920 value)
  • IRE conference travel stipend ($500)
  • Complimentary IRE Data Services (up to 12 hours) ($1,200 value)

Application Procedure:

Required application materials:

  • LinkedIn page or link to resume
  • Links to two clips showcasing investigative work
  • Description of project to be tackled during the fellowship (calendar year)
  • Letter of support from supervisor/management stating the newsroom/management will allow the fellow time to work on the project and time to attend all required IRE trainings included in the fellowship. The letter should also serve as a recommendation letter. Independent journalists, a letter of recommendation is required.

More Info: Chauncey Bailey Journalist of Color Investigative Reporting Fellowship



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