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HomeGrantsDowntown Grants Program 2021 – United States

Downtown Grants Program 2021 – United States

Application Deadline: November 22, 2021

To bolster our business community, four Ellsworth area banks, Bangor Federal Credit Union, First National Bank, Franklin Savings Bank, and Machias Savings Bank with support from Bar Harbor Bank & Trust have generously sponsored our second rendition of the Downtown Grants Program. A foundational component of our entrepreneurial ecosystem work, this program aims to connect entrepreneurs, small businesses, innovators, and start up’s to resources and opportunities to advance their growth. Applications open on November 1, 2021.


  • Development of alternative revenue streams
  • Hiring a consultant or advisor
  • Marketing/logo/brand development
  • Website creation
  • Attending a workshop or mentoring opportunity
  • Hiring an architect, engineer, or other specialists
  • Purchase of up-date of technology-related tool  
  • Legal support
  • Other start-up needs


Mini-grants of $1000 will be available for start-up or expansion projects to help entrepreneurs and support economic opportunities in the city of Ellsworth.

Application Procedure

Please use the application (button above) to submit a funding proposal, business plan (if you have one), and any other information you feel would be helpful to support your funding request. Proposals should specify area of need, project proposal, or general description for which you are requesting funding. Applicants will be scored using a rubric system with a maximum possible 45 points. Point breakdown: Overall Project 5, Goals /Objectives 10, Overall Plan 20, Budget 5, Impact, Innovation, and Resilience 5. All of this information will be kept confidential and only used to determine grant recipients. 

Application Addenda:

All supporting documents (P&L or income statement, balance sheet or 2019 or 2020 tax returns) business plan, and any other information you feel would be helpful for your funding request should be emailed separately to Heart of Ellsworth’s Executive Director, Cara Romano, at with “Downtown Grants 2021” in the subject line. All of this information will be kept confidential and only used to determine grant recipients. If you received funding in 2020 and did NOT submit the exit report you are not eligible for this round of funding. Only one (1) proposal per business will be considered in the 2021 funding cycle.

Official Website: Downtown Grants Program 2021 – United States



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