Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeCall for ApplicationsThe Osteology Foundation Applied Research Grant 2024 for early-career and established researchers

The Osteology Foundation Applied Research Grant 2024 for early-career and established researchers

Application Deadline: 15 May 2024. 

The Osteology Foundation aims to support scientific research and education projects in the field of oral tissue regeneration. To actively promote translational and clinical research, the Osteology Foundation awards grants to selected researchers yearly. The new flagship programme of the Osteology Foundation is the Applied Research Grant programme. 


This programme provides funding for both early-career and established researchers, and teams who present with a track record in generating and translating basic research findings towards clinical application. Interdisciplinary (collaborative) research involving basic scientists and clinicians, as well as research groups from different universities/entities, is strongly encouraged.

An early-career researcher is defined as a dependent researcher who has a maximum of five years’ academic research experience following the completion of their PhD degree, or completion of clinical training (residency programme) and provide demonstration of enrolment in a research programme (i.e. PhD).

Every other researcher is considered an established researcher, having both:

  1. At least five years’ academic research experience following the completion of their clinical training/PhD (or equivalent) degree
  2. Track record of funding (principal investigator of at least one completed and fully funded grant/project) and publications (at least 5 first- or last-author publications + 5 other publications)


  • Up to 200,000 Swiss francs can be allocated for each selected project. Applications requiring less than the maximum amount are accepted and encouraged, provided that financial feasibility is ensured.

Application Criteria

The projects proposed in the scope of the Applied Research Grant programme may be clinical or preclinical, but must demonstrate in any case a high potential for clinical impact and/or the relevance for evidence-based dental/medical practice for the benefit of human health and clinical care. The awarding criteria reflect this principle, and will focus on:

  • Clinical relevance
  • Methodology
  • Originality of hypothesis
  • Facilities and qualifications

More Info: Osteology Foundation Applied Research Grant



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