Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeContestThe UNDP ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge 2024 ($40,000 Prize)

The UNDP ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge 2024 ($40,000 Prize)

Application Deadline: July 15, 2024

The ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge represents a unique initiative aimed at fostering the development of the blue economy in ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste. It seeks to identify, finance, and support innovative solutions geared towards the conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems, coastal areas, and freshwater resources. In addition to providing financial support, it facilitates connections between innovators and potential stakeholders, including investors and business entities.


A minimum of 3 (three) people representing a legal entity/organization

The team is required to have male and female members, ensuring gender balance

Team members must be at least 18 years old and have legal identity as a citizen in ASEAN member states and/or Timor-Leste

Submit registration and administrative requirements according to the provisions through the online form

Have at least 1 (one) years in operation OR established before April 2023

Have good financial standing, proven with record of ongoing and completed projects in the last 1 year and a reference from  previous client/partner

More Info: ASEAN Blue Innovation Challenge



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